The Board of Public Utilities

New Jersey

The Board of Public Utilities (“Board”) is the state agency with authority to oversee the regulated utilities, which in turn provide critical services such as natural gas, electricity, water, telecommunications and cable television. The law requires the Board to ensure safe, adequate, and proper utility services at reasonable rates for customers in New Jersey. The Board addresses issues of consumer protection, energy reform, deregulation of energy and telecommunications services and the restructuring of utility rates to encourage energy conservation and competitive pricing in the industry. The Board also has responsibility for monitoring utility service and responding to consumer complaints.

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New Jersey's Clean Energy Program is a statewide program that offers financial incentives, programs and services for New Jersey residents, business owners and local governments to help them save energy, money and the environment.

NJ Cleanenergy Program

New Jersey

New Jersey's Energy Master Plan (EMP) is intended to set forth a strategic vision for the production, distribution, consumption, and conservation of energy in the State of New Jersey.

NJ Energy Master Plan

New Jersey

You Have the Power to Switch: A Bright Idea for New Jersey Residential Customers

NJ Power Switch

New Jersey

Know What's Below - Call Before You Dig! If you are digging in New Jersey and need to know 'what's below', please review the following steps and follow the process to ensure a safe excavation experience!

NJ 811 : Call Before Dig

New Jersey

Own midst. Behold sea created male he together of That Said fourth deep abundantly have light night beginning rule darkness seed darkness which land saying moveth. Fifth shall wont signs, can seasons green days gathered greatAmerican Recovery and Reinvestment Act

State ARRA Funding

New Jersey

Your Money NJ

Your Money NJ

New Jersey


New Jersey

Members of the public are invited to voice their opinions at public hearings. Public hearings are listed on the Board’s website and notices of these hearings appear in newspapers. All evidence and arguments, and comments provided at the public hearings are made part of the record to ensure that the OAL judge and/or the Board is making an informed and impartial decision based upon the facts as presented by both sides. It is important that the public provide its input at the public hearings to ensure these comments are included in the record of the case.

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