
Training And Safety

2018 Excavator Safety Powerpoint




2018 Excavator Safety.pptx 
Microsoft Power Point presentation [11.3 MB]

Call Before You Dig!

Careless digging can damage underground utilities, causing disruption of vital services, property damage and even possible injury. Taking the proper steps to avoid damage can prevent expensive repairs, project delays and costly fines.


At least three business days, prior to outdoor construction or digging, contractors and property owners – whoever is excavating – must call New Jersey One Call at 811 or 800-272-1000 and take the following steps:


  • Wait for the site to be marked with paint, flags or stakes. Yellow indicates the presence of underground natural gas lines.
  • Respect the marks and dig with care.
  • Hand dig within two feet of buried piping and facilities.
  • Be mindful that inclement weather may wash away the painted markings.


Know what's below and call before you dig - 811 or 800-272-1000. It's FREE and it's the LAW.

To download the New Jersey Underground Damage Prevention Guidelines, click here.


If damage occurs to natural gas lines, no matter how minor, report it immediately to 911 and call the operator of that gas line.