
DIRT 2016 Interactive Report

2016 DIRT Report Interactive Analysis

The Common Ground Alliance (CGA) is pleased to share this interactive analysis of the events submitted to DIRT for 2016. It provides industry stakeholders the opportunity to immerse themselves in the data, filter it down to more specific analyses that directly affect them, and develop more focused strategies to reduce underground excavation damages. 

This analysis covers the 317,869 damages reported in the United States and Canada in 2016, unless otherwise noted. Near miss events have been excluded, as have damages where the record was input as “Unknown” or “Did Not Collect” in the field being analyzed. Therefore, cross examination of the data will not always equal 100%, and different dashboards will show different totals. 

Each dashboard analyzes a specific topic or concept, which is labelled at the top. The figures within each dashboard are specific to that main topic or concept, and virtually all of the charts contained within a dashboard are interactive by clicking on one of the elements. For example, in the dashboard examples to the right,  the top image is the “Damage Cause Analysis” dashboard without any individual element selected. The image on the bottom depicts the same dashboard with the equipment type "Hand Tools" selected, which filters the remaining charts to reflect only the data pertaining to hand tool damages. Similar results would occur if another element of the dashboard was selected. To return to the original, unfiltered dashboard click again on the highlighted section or use the 'reset' button below. The 'Show Year' and 'Show State' dropdown menus in the upper right corner set parameters that filter the data across multiple dashboards. The parameters selected are displayed in the title of each dashboard.